
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I am a Wonky Triangle in a Right Angles World

Sometimes when I name my blog posts I just write things in the title that make no sense. Then I decide it is a metaphor or it has a double meaning and I leave it there. This is how I imagine poets write. The good ones. Make your own meaning.

I am feeling a bit punchy tonight. I had a terrible case of poison ivy this week. It was totally my fault. I was working and I saw the poison ivy, but I couldn't avoid it. I have been regretting that day of work ever since. I look terrible, I just want to take my skin off. Today I went to the magical doctor's office and she gave me things to make the itch go away. They are also steroids, with which I have a great deal of experience due to my freakish meat allergy. Steroids always make me a bit punchy.

Also, that was a long story. Maybe not that long...

Oh right, this is a sewing blog. The point of this post is to reveal a super fun project I made to forget my itches. Sorry if you are new to my blog. I promise story time does not happen too often.

Nancy over at Owen's Olivia made this awesome paper piecing pattern (etsy or craftsy, pick your poison), and I tested it for her.

It is pretty much cool.

The pattern consists of long strips of wonky triangles, and you just paper piece them out until you are done, making something as long or as short as you like. I think she has three different sizes of wonky triangle strips for your sewing convenience.

I decided I would be convenienced (not a word) by the small triangles. I would make a little pouch for my epi pen and pencils (I know incredibly unsafe, but the epi pen is in a case already, I don't have kids, and it is a pen...sort of ). Besides the epi was looking ugly in my pretty new purse. We can't have that.

I pulled out my scrap bins and went to town. This pattern loves scraps. It's also fun to play with the fabric's volume on this one.

Blue is my favorite color. It matches my eyes. Throw in some hand stitching and a little fancy stamping.  Done.

Rewarding. Beautiful.

Go support Nancy (etsy or craftsy), this is basically a steal at $1.99. This is her first pattern and it is boss, I think we should expect great things. Plus, I think she is giving away free stuff on her blog.

Hugs from the giant series of blisters that is me,

PS - Good chance I will not be able to sleep tonight due to the 'roids. Well, that is awesome.

PPS - You may have noticed the lack of poison ivy photos. You're welcome.

*I received this pattern for free in exchange for my testing services, all opinions are my own. Bacon's honor.*


  1. Yuck! (The poison ivy, not your pouch, I swear!) I hope you start feeling better soon. In the mean time, this awesome pouch is totally boss, and I want one! (But in pink, of course.)

  2. you crack me up! The pouch is lovely, and sorry about the rash...if it makes you feel any better, i get a random rash when i have babies and no one can even tell me what it is or why or what i can do about it, so boo to that and i feel you on the itchies. Also, i think you don't live all that far from me (what's a few hours between friends?!?!) and someday, we should sew together. maybe. if you are into that sort of thing. :)

  3. You're so funny. Thanks for sparing us the poison ivy pics. :) Love the pouch! Definitely want this pattern.

    1. You are very welcome! I don't even want to look at it, the internet does not need another gross skin rash picture! Thanks for the pouch love, you should totally play with the triangles! I would love to see how you use them, it seems like there are so many possibilities.

  4. You are a testing fiend! Go friend, go!

  5. Love this (as I do everything you make- seriously!) Sorry to hear about the p.i. I have never had it, but it sounds very crappy. I hope your skin feels better soon. And, for the record, I liked story time!

  6. The hubs just got over poison ivy. :( NO fun! Are you the TMQG?

    Thank you for testing it out and writing about it. The pouch is super cute, and I love that you love the pattern!! Heal quickly!


  7. So cute - the epi bag, not your skin at the moment I am sure :( Hope you are feeling better friend!

  8. #itchingandbacon

    (super cute pouch!)

  9. Damn Sarah, that sounds miserable. I hope you feel better. The pouch sure is cute. I'm gonna buy the pattern because I am loving the triangles right now.

  10. And you rocked those triangles!

  11. OmGoodness, you are hilarious! My whole first cuppa coffee, right here! Love your quilts and commentary! DO please beware of skin medications with cortisones/ really is a big bad don't want him to catch up with you or you actually will take off your skin (ask me how I know this!) (or not!) Safe travels today!!!!!


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