
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Works in Progress [Wednesday]

I know it is barely still Wednesday, I am totally getting this one in under the wire. You see, I got sick this week and it was a challenge. I am all medicated up right now and I am feeling great. So, on to sewing.

I got ton done this week after I got home from my work trip to Knoxville. If it had not been for my mystery illness, this week would have been all about finished.

1.) This gift is getting bound, it totally deserves its own blog post when it is finished. I have a love/hate relationship with hand sewing bindings. Movie time = good, cat time = good, bindings = look good, sitting still = hard for me...

2.) This is a little gift for someone special, I am almost done with it, just need to quilt the outside and assemble. I am in love with Liberty, so it makes me happy to see my Liberty in action. Also, the recipient is in love with cats, so I know this will make her smile. I kind of hate my quilting on the outside, any suggestions for how to quilt this? These pictures are not great, but I want to do something pretty in the negative space around the pink.

3.) I am making a little fold over clutch for my sister-in-law for Christmas. I am pretty sure she will love this (also sure she does not read this blog). I was kind of hating the leather on this one, so I ended up taking it off and adding a linen bottom. It looks hardcore awesome now.

4.) On a whim this afternoon, I wanted to play with scraps and do some patchwork. This is a little table runner I put together. I am going to quilt it up soon and, hopefully, give it away for Christmas. If I get attached it might be on my table. This is just real life here.

Quilting suggestions for this sucker would be welcome too. 

5.) I have made some progress with the tulips, I  am almost out of the baby blue linen and I do not know if I have enough to finish. I have no idea who made this baby blue or what color it is. The thrills of using scraps that you have no idea how to purchase more of. I am living life on the edge. I will figure something out, right? 

Whew! That was a ton of sewing this week. So many unfinished projects... I am going to make a concerted effort to finish some of these and get them up on the blog this week

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans out there! To everyone else, Happy Thursday!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I loved sewing your work. I have some flower blocks that are a WIP too. I linked right before you tonight. Come by and see me if you have a chance. I enjoyed visiting you. I am glad your feeling better and good enough to sew. I have withdrawal when I am not at my machine!
    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving,

  2. Looks like you have many wonderful quilts in the works! :0)

  3. Great projects! I laughed at your comment about using scraps and running out of fabric - that is so me!! Hope you are feeling much better now.

  4. Wow Sarah. You've done heaps despite being sick! I love the Liberty quilt. Maybe do the same sort of pebble quilting you've started(at least I hope that's what I can see through my extremely cracked phone screen!!) but try it with a thread that blends more with the fabric? I just got my Angela Walters fmq book and she's big on blending thread so you mainly see the awesome texture your quilting creates and not so much the stitching. Maybe straight lines for the table runner. Look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  5. Keep up the good work! Hope you feel better soon!


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