
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Work in Progress [Wednesday]

Today is Wednesday and I wanted to post something. Except. I am writing this from my hotel room bed watching Top Chef. I am in Knoxville. Now, I am sure Knoxville is a beautiful city full of wonderful people. I am just here to work, so I have been diving my time between sleeping and working. Physically, this project is super hard. So many hole have been dug (excavated?).


I did bring a little embroidery project to while away my waking hours after work and before bed (all two of them). I have barely worked on them. My hands are sore... This is my little sewing kit I bring with me while I am traveling for work. It is composed of happy little homemade bits. I love that rainbow pouch and kitty cat needle case. They are two things I actually mad because for myself just because, something I should do more often.

Oh right. The work in progress, I am working on a little label for a wedding quilt. It is going to have their wedding day at some point. Here we go, this needs to be done soon...

Also, for a laugh I saw these at a gas station at Tennessee. How can something that has everything good in it look so disgusting?

Happy Wednesday!
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Oooh I'm intrigued to know what you are excavating! Your little sewing kit is really cute, sometimes its nice to have them with us on our travels even if not a lot of sewing gets done!

  2. Cute sewing kit! Smart to bring it along on work trips. Hang in there!

  3. I love your pouch, it's so pretty! And that cat is pretty much awesome :)


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