
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hotel Room Sewing...

I have been in Atlanta for nearly a week now. This is a work trip and it is going pretty well, but I am really ready to come home. Eventually, eating out wears on you and you realize the hotel staff know you a little too well...

I am working in downtown Atlanta. Archaeology in downtown Atlanta.

I grew up in Portland, OR and I was super sheltered. I do not think I really knew what a bad part of town was until I started this project in Atlanta. I am working in a BAD part of town. I have witnessed homeless person fights, stumbled upon bodily fluids, found drug paraphernalia I did not even recognized (thank you boys for explaining that all to me), and worked in the parking lot of a strip club. Don't you worry, we are super safe. The police know we are there, we are never alone, and always work in broad daylight. It is just strange for me to think about people being so bad. I know people have problems not entirely within their control and different is not bad. It is hard to explain, and so outside of the scope of Stitching and Bacon... One of my friends told me I should start a blog detailing all of the crazy stories I have from my various stints in downtown Atlanta. There are so many.

Now, are you still with me? This is one of the areas we are working. Totally crazy right? This area is so desolate it is regularly used as a set for crazy little things like, The Walking Dead and some movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger that is not out yet. We actually had to wait to start our work because the film crews were out working. No biggie.

When we got there the parking lot was smeared with fake blood (I know it is fake). We found these blood packets. Gross right? I generally cannot watch these movies because, well, I get nightmares (I know I am a grown woman). If someone has seen Walking Dead, do you recognize this building?

I did not bring my sewing machine to Atlanta (this time...), but I did bring some embroidery and some EPP hand sewing. I made this little embroidered sign for a friend for Christmas while sitting on my hotel bed watching reality TV. It is kind of inappropriate, but she will love it. I am going to add some more little flowers and maybe a vine around it, then I will mount it.  Easy Christmas gift!

My paper piecing project was sort of thrown together while I was packing. This is my first English paper piecing project and I am loving it. It is so relaxing. I do not think I could do a whole quilt, maybe this will be a pillow? Any ideas?


 I went to a great fabric store here in Atlanta on my day off. Let me just say, Intown Quilters, is an amazing place. If you are in Atlanta, go! It is sunny and warm. The ladies there are happy and full of suggestions. The selection is spectacular. I managed to rein myself and only bought three fabrics.

This is a fabric by etsuko furuya for Kokka. I love how it looks like a classic wallpaper until you look closely, then you keep seeing little hidden surprises.

I also got some Washi and some chevrons. I am obsessed with the Washi. Look at how pretty it looks like the chevrons.

Happy Wednesday!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Loving the paper piecing, one day I will get around to starting one! Maybe over the Christmas break, watching Christmas movies! Kx

  2. The embroidery sign is classic - I like the sweet flowers and vine to accompany. I have a friend who would enjoy this type of work too. Good luck in Atlanta - sounds like an adventure!

  3. Ooh! Pretty fabric! I want to pet it!

    Dude, EPP scares the goodness out of me. I can't imagine doing it! I mean, I've seen tutorials, and it doesn't seem all that scary, but for some reason, I'm terrified. Crazy, right?

  4. Embroidery looks like so much fun! I just bought my first hoop and did a little hand quilting and I'd love to try embroidery.

    So glad you joined the bee!!!!! It sounds nice to have side-by-side offices!

  5. 3 cheers for hotel room sewing, Motherfucker! I thought that scene looked like something from The Walking Dead.


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